Search Results: label/cart food (53)


…Years ago I would enjoy this lovely Khaman Dhokla which was prepared on a cart in a by lane on M.G.Road in Pune. There would be a large crowd each day awaiting their turn patiently for that awesome & irresistible plate of Khaman with the most delicious & mouth watering imli khajur chutney & spicy green coriander mint chutney. The plate of steaming hot Dhokla would be decorated generously with fresh grated coconut, fine nylon sev &…


…ng guilty. Momos are delicious appetizers/snacks & a wonderful comfort food. If you are on a diet or calorie conscious then this is it! Momos are dumplings native to Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet & the Himalayan states of India. They are such cute little steamed treats wrapped in little dough packets & are so versatile. You can really get creative with various tasty fillings with meats & vegetables of your choice. They are popular & you…

Comfort Food

…when you are hungry or need a cure? Bananas are considered as a best value food so make the most of it in any form! Today’s post is simple, quick & easy. If you have bananas which are ripe or slightly overripe then convert it into a milkshake, pancake, banana bread or how about sweet & wholesome fritters which are equally good for growing children, adults, athletes, elderly or even persons who are recovering from an illness. Here’s to Bana…

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